These days it feels like you can never be healthy enough. You are already doing all it takes – getting in your leafy greens, veggies, drinking eight plus glasses of water a day and taking your supplements and adaptogens – nontoxic substance especially plant extracts that increase the body’s ability to resist the damaging effects of stress and promote or restore normal physiological functioning.

But is all the above really enough? We may not know for sure, but what we do know is that we should continue trying to achieve peak health goals. One other step you can take towards a healthier YOU is to maintain alkalinity in the body. What does being alkaline really mean and how can we do it.

The human body is designed to operate at its optimum when body fluids are alkaline at a 7-7.5 pH level. The body moves between acidic to alkaline all day, so to be 100% alkaline is unrealistic, but one can attempt to maintain a healthy pH level.

Steps that you can take are – drink two liters of water per day, cut dairy (If you can’t live without cheese, opt for goat or sheep varieties), go for gluten-free bread or pasta, rice, sweet potato or quinoa, get rid of artificial sweeteners and reduce your sugar intake.

Apart from paying attention to your diet, you also need to incorporate de-stress activity (stress reduces the body’s natural ability to detox, therefore it holds onto acid forming wastes), learn to breathe deeply (the more oxygenated you are, the healthier you will be)

Finally and most importantly, be kind to yourself. Remember something you love doing and incorporate it into your life so that your mind, body, and spirit are nourished.

Alkalinity in the body results in increased energy, better moods, and improved sleep patterns. Thus implementing more alkaline habits will improve your physical health as also your overall emotional health and wellbeing.